Monday, August 4, 2008

Animal Intelligence

This research was more difficult than I thought. I thought I choose an easy topic but it was not. The part I liked the most was reading the examples of how animals show their intelligence. There are alot of examples of birds, insects and animals that show how really smart they are. The most challenging part of the research for me was the part that I did not understand. There are so many complicated ideas and terms in the research about animal intelligence. a lots of times I was so confused. I chose this topic because I want to know about animals and about the ways that they are think. I also saw a video on youtube about a buffalo and I wanted to know what that animal was thinking. I was sure that they were thinking. I have never written research paper in my own language so doing it in English was not different for me. It was just hard. There are so many crazy rules, especially the APA style! What is this crazy system? Now that I have finished the work I am happy. I am happy because it is over and I am happy because I did something that was hard. Next time I would choose an easier topic and organize my time better.


Rebecca said...

Hi Saleh,

I'm glad you had a challenging experience with your research paper. That's how we learn - by doing things that are a little bit hard - but doing them anyways. Time management is very hard for many people (myself included), but very important. Funny how so many hard and difficult things are so important for us to do. I look forward to seeing your paper and learning about animal intelligence.

Aziz said...

nice work saleh

I hope you will do great in the presintation

Saleh Aldharrab said...

Thank you Rebecca nice comment and thank you aziz for your good wishies :). btw u did very well in yours ;)