Tuesday, August 12, 2008


In my country there is discrimination between different groups of people. The Bedouins in the country would never permit their sons or daughters to marry someone who is not a Bedouin. Furthermore, bedouins wont let an immigrant person marry their son or daughter. The Bedouins think that this kind of marriage would be a shame to the family and its traditions. They must only marry a Bedouin and usually someone who belongs to the family. A very smart and intelligent good man who wants to marry a Bedouin girl would not be accepted by the Bedouins because he is not one of them. That is the only reason they would not like him. This is just the way it was in the United States with the problem between the blacks and the whites. Mixing the two races there was seen as a big problem before, and I think it is still a big problem there. I don’t know why people think this way. We all have two arms and two legs. We are all human beings that can live along in this life with no such disceremination. No one is better than anyone else. In my opinion, i think people who still have that mentality must change it and always think optimasticaly with everyone.

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